CIVA News > November 2014 |
New Website for EXTENDE |
We decided to completely revamp our website in order to offer more information along with useful tools while giving it even more of an easy approach. We invite you to visit it and hope you will find it user friendly. From our side, we are really proud with it and we would like to thank the company Caliago, that helped us for the design, and the general set up.
New release: CIVA 11.1 |
You should benefit from the release of the version 11.1 of CIVA soon!
As multiple acquisition systems are now compatible with CIVA (M2M systems, Omniscan®, etc.), many CIVA users want to use CIVA to make analysis of their acquisition files.
The release of CIVA 11.1 is a major step to answer this demand: easy and powerful measurements can be made, advanced and unique analysis functionalities such as “one click segmentation”, as well as the latest techniques like Total Focusing Method, etc.
Simulation is also improved: model assisted POD and Generic Detectors are now available in RT, EMAT probes can be used in Guided Wave simulation, plus many other improvements.
CIVA is ever more user friendly, with the possibility to enter dimensions in Inches and even fractional dimensions, a new toolbar, new templates and more!
Interview: Mr. Mike Lowe |
Pr. Mike Lowe, Mechanical Engineering Professor at the Imperial College of London, accepted to answer some of our question and we thank him for this.
Click here to read the full interview.
Pr. Lowe, you started to study mechanical engineeing in 1987, and finally specialized in NDT. Why did you choose this field?
In fact we can go back earlier than that when I started as a Civil Engineer! My first job was with an engineering consultancy company, WS Atkins, which I began in 1979. At that time I worked in stress analysis and structural integrity, including a lot of work on writing and using (...)
New validation cases: shadowing and geometrical echoes |
CIVA software is based on semi-analytical methods aiming at providing quantitative results that can be compared to real inspections. The validation of the code is crucial for users as they have to know if the results obtained with CIVA simulations are reliable and accurate in the case of their configurations.
The validation of CIVA code consists in evaluating the accuracy of its predictions by comparing these predictions to reference results.
Last month, we published on case of validation on multiskip echoes, this month, two new validation cases have been added. One about shadowing, and another one about geometrical echoes.
Staff News: Mr. Lionel Grand |
Mr. Lionel Grand joined EXTENDE’s team on Monday, the 3rd of November, as Sales Manager.
Previously sales manager at Cedrat, a company providing a complete suite of tools including Flux®, the leading software for electromagnetic and thermal simulations.
He will be in charge of the strategic and commercial development of EXTENDE.
You can contact him at lionel.grand[at]
SIMPOSIUM project during ECNDT |
The SIMPOSIUM european project, whose main objective relies on the integration in a unique platform of models for characterization and flaw detection, was presented at ECNDT 2014 in Prague, during an entire day. On the morning took place a dedicated paper session. Nine papers related to the advancement of Simposium were presented. Then in the afternoon, a Simposium workshop was the opportunity to make demonstrations on three products of the project: an Hybrid code to simulate UT inspection in composite materials, CIVA-ACEL developed by Airbus Group Innovation, then two codes dedicated to Eddy Current inspection, a new model of EC in CIVA developed by the CEA and the Cariddi code of the University of CASSINO.
More information about this Simposium day are avalaible on this link.
COP 2013-2014 |
Last year, EXTENDE signed the Global Compact initiative. We engaged ourselves to support the 10 principles from the United Nations in the fields of Human rights, Labour rights, Environement, and Anti-corruption. You can find our latest Comunication On Progress (COP) under this link.
CIVA Tip: Cursor mode in ET |
In ET inspection, we are often interested in the impedance variation of the probe in the complex plane. This signal is characterized by its amplitude and its phase. In Civa it is possible to activate the cursor mode which enables the user to obtain the amplitude, the phase, the real and imaginary parts of the computed signal. Two cursor modes are available, one which enables to display these values for every probe position, the other which allows to obtain automatically the maximum. The simple mode cursor tool can be activated from “Image tools” menu and allows to obtain the values measured from the origin of the impedance plane. (...)
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