Ultrasonic Testing for Education

In the UT module, two types of computation are available: beam computation and inspection simulation.


3D Beam Computation

The features of the UT beam computation module are:

  • Planar and Cylindrical component geometries, one weld example
  • Isotropic material, one anisotropic example
  • Contact or Immersion testing
  • Conventional single element probes and linear PA (limited to 28 elements) probes
  • Focused probe available for immersion testing
  • Point focusing or beam steering with delay laws (for PA probes)
  • Accounts for L waves, T waves and mode conversions


Examples of simulations

In UT, among other possibilities, the beam module of CIVA education can help you to illustrate the following phenomena:


  • Visualize and characterize the main parts of the beam for a given probe (near field, far field, location of the maximum, beam sport size, etc.).


  • Visualize the beam propagation, especially when specific phenomenon occur (propagation in an anisotropic material, grating lobe phenomena with a Phased-Array Probe).


  • Understand and see the effects of focusing or beam steering.


  • See the impact of the material velocity on the beam angle.


  • Visualize the impact of physical parameters such as the probe frequency on the radiated beam.


  • Evaluate the sensitivity zone of a separate T/R probe (such as TOFD or Tandem) with the combination of the emitted beam and the zone of sensitivity in reception.


  • And many other possibilities…


2D inspection simulation for qualitative and fast computations

The inspection simulation module includes the following capabilities:

  • Planar and Cylindrical component geometries, one weld example
  • Isotropic material
  • Contact testing
  • Conventional single element probes and linear PA (limited to 28 elements) probes
  • Pulse Echo, TOFD, Tandem
  • Point focusing, beam steering, sectorial scanning with delay laws (PA probes)
  • Simulations with planar and SDH flaws with various dimensions, locations and orientations
  • Accounts for L waves, T waves and mode conversions


Examples of simulations

In UT, among other possibilities and ideas, the inspection simulation module of CIVA Education can help you to illustrate the following points:


  • The different types of echoes scattered by an indication or by the component boundaries (diffraction, reflection, corner effect, etc.).


  • Identify the different modes and for instance mode conversions phenomena.


  • Illustrate the different UT techniques (Straight beam, Angle beam, TOFD, Tandem, PhasedArray...).


  • Show calibration block set up to obtain DAC like curves.


  • Understand beam spot sizing technique such as the 6dB drop one or using the tip diffraction signals. 


  • Show the impact of influential parameters on the signal sensitivity (such as flaw location and orientation, or probe parameters...).
  • Etc.