
Inconel tube inspected with a rotating probe

Geometrical characteristics of the probe, here defined in the CIVA panel.

Geometrical characteristics and positioning of the notch
Comparisons between CIVA and the experiment
Lissajous curves are drawn and the amplitudes, phases, real and imaginary parts as a function of the scanning are represented on the figures below for the frequencies 25, 50, 100, 150 et 200 kHz . A good agreement between experiment and simulation is observed.
Then, the amplitude and phase values are gathered in a table and the difference between acquisitions and CIVA simulations are calculated. The small differences confirm the good agreement between CIVA and experiments.
25 kHz

CIVA/Experiment comparison at 25 KHz. Left handside: Lissajous curve, right handside from the top to the bottom: real part, imaginary part, amplitude and phase.

CIVA/Experiment comparison tabel of amplitude and phase values at 25 kHz.
50 kHz

CIVA/Experiment comparison at 50 KHz. Left handside: Lissajous curve, right handside from the top to the bottom: real part, imaginary part, amplitude and phase.

CIVA/Experiment comparison tabel of amplitude and phase values at 50 kHz.
100 kHz

CIVA/Experiment comparison at 100 KHz. Left handside: Lissajous curve, right handside from the top to the bottom: real part, imaginary part, amplitude and phase.

CIVA/Experiment comparison tabel of amplitude and phase values at 100 kHz.
150 kHz

CIVA/Experiment comparison at 150 KHz. Left handside: Lissajous curve, right handside from the top to the bottom: real part, imaginary part, amplitude and phase.

CIVA/Experiment comparison tabel of amplitude and phase values at 150 kHz.
200 kHz

CIVA/Experiment comparison at 200 KHz. Left handside: Lissajous curve, right handside from the top to the bottom: real part, imaginary part, amplitude and phase.

CIVA/Experiment comparison tabel of amplitude and phase values at 150 kHz.
Finally, on two synthesis graphs are superimposed CIVA and acquistion curves. The first one shows the evolution of the amplitude as a function of the frequency, and the second one represents the evolution of the phase still as a function of the frequency.

Amplitude evolution as a function of the frequency for CIVA and the experiment.

Phase evolution as a function of the frequency for CIVA and the experiment.
The good agreement between CIVA and the experiment is confirmed again by this graphs.
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