The Global Compact of the United Nations is an initiative meant to encourage companies to adopt a socially responsible behavior. It is about integrating and promoting the ten universal principles regarding Human rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-corruption.
Between October 2012 and 2018, EXTENDE has supported the Global Compact. The 10 universal principles of the Code are in our opinion fundamentals to contribute to build a fair society. By supporting it, we committed to implement and broadcast these 10 universal principles.
However, the membership of some multinational corporations in absolute contradiction with these principles (and facing numerous lawsuits) has forced us to leave the Global Compact, in order to remain faithful to our values. We will keep supporting these principles, but not in bad company.
On an everyday basis, this commitment consists in:
- Ensuring Human rights and rights at work are respected
- Ensuring the safety and well-being of employees
- Watch for the preservation of the environment
- Adopt a transparence policy toward employees and confidentiality toward our clients and partners
- Promote our values toward our partners, encourage them to pursue our initiative
This commitment has a long-term nature. An annual evaluation of the actions implemented is performed with the publication of the COP (Communication On Progress).
To learn more about the Global Compact, you can visit the official page.
You can also download EXTENDE's COP: