We work with Technological Institutes, universities and research centres all around the world. CIVA is a powerful and always innovative educational tool.
Whether you are a CIVA user or not, we are listening to teachers and students to help them.
We put free educational materials at the disposal of teachers and students
On our website, you will find several free educational tools we put at your disposal, such as :
- Our WIDGENDT, a useful tool to illustrate and better understand the principle of Phased Arrays
- Regular CIVA tip, to help you discover all the options offered by the software
- Our PUBLICATIONs page, to keep you informed of recent developments
Do not hesitate to contact us if you need educational materials.
We propose special CIVA packages and offers for universities
You work in a university? You are interested in CIVA because it allows to illustrate physical phenomena occuring within a specimen?
We haver discounted prices for universities, and network licenses to easily organize practical works for your students.
Besides, we also offer you our help through direct interventions. Do not hesitate to:
- Ask a member of our team to intervene in your class, in order to present application cases in which CIVA is confronted to industrial constraints
- Join one of our training sessions with industrial partners, and benefit from their vision of CIVA for your students
- Sollicitate us fo a dedicated training session, and to prepare with you some examples for practical sessions with your students
- Ask us to organize a WebEx conference to discover the capabilities of CIVA Software
- Offer your students to share their articles with us
We are members of the COFREND Training Commission
The COFREND created two commissions we decided to participate in. The Training Commission aims at improving the training offers in the NDT field.
Our open strategy of making knowledge accessible naturally led us to support this commission.
we help you understand complex results

Specific calculation may help you see what the result would be for cases with complex interaction between defects.

Unknown echoes, surprising amplitude, unexpected result, we help you understand physical phenomena thanks to simulation.
Application cases
- Upstream: Design and selection of a probe/source
- In parallel: Train and prepare your staff
- Downstream: Assess complex phenomena in a UT inspection